Take care of your investments so they can take care of you.
In today’s litigious society, it’s easy to lose everything you’ve worked for in the blink of an eye. The Duringer Law Group works with our clients to develop asset protection strategies that reduce their exposure and help them keep their hard-earned assets protected in the event of litigation. From reducing exposure and limiting risk to shielding assets with legal, transparent protection, the Duringer Law Group can help you take care of the investments you’ve worked so hard for.
Who We Work With
The team of experienced landlord-tenant attorneys at the Duringer Law Group, PLC are specialists in the arenas of debt collection, tenant eviction law, and asset protection. We’ve been providing legal services of the highest caliber to property managers, property owners, and real estate investors since 1988. We proudly serve the following groups all throughout southern California:
- Landlords
- Property Managers
- Property Management Companies
- Apartment Managers
- Property Owners
- Commercial Property Owners
- Anyone renting out a property for residential or commercial use.

Effective Asset Protection Planning
At Duringer Law Group, we provide asset protection planning to insulate your property investments and other assets from claims against them by creditors. After all, you’ve worked diligently — and hard — to create a financial support system for you and your family. At Duringer Law Group, we can help you to begin protecting assets while times are good, so that you won’t find yourself struggling to hold on to your assets if and when times get bad.

The Right Asset Protection Plans For You
Asset protection planning is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Depending on the types of assets you are invested in, you’ll require a different approach. For example, not all regularly deployed asset protection plans coordinate effectively with commonly deployed tax and estate plans. At Duringer Law Group, we can provide the guidance and explanations for which systems and options make the most sense for you based on asset types, your short and long term goals, and new or uncommonly encountered legislation.
With over 30 years of helping investors and business owners just like you, we've become southern California’s trusted asset protection planning and litigation team. We can create an effective asset protection plan for you while also protecting you from making the crucial mistakes of concealment of assets, contempt, fraudulent transfers, tax evasion, or bankruptcy fraud — all pitfalls that do-it-yourself protection planners plummet into regularly.

When Should I Start Planning to Protect My Assets?
Protection planning should start at the earliest opportunity. Starting early means staying ahead and building a strong shield for your future. Get in touch with a member of our team today to schedule a free consultation to discuss how Duringer Law Group can help protect your valuable and hard-earned assets. We also encourage you to download our Asset Preservation Strategies .pdf below.